Extraordinary surveillance
Details on extraordinary surveillance are provided in the document S03, Rules of accreditation.
In which cases will Slovenian Accreditation (SA) undertake extraordinary surveillance assessment?
SA will undertake an extraordinary surveillance assessment when it has at its disposal information showing disrespect of accreditation requirements or raising doubt as to the competence of the accredited CAB in question.
Reasons for extraordinary surveillance assessment can be:
- important changes in the accredited CAB,
- suspension of accreditation,
- complaint against the work of the accredited CAB,
- information on the work of the accredited CAB obtained by SA from other sources.
Extraordinary surveillance will also be undertaken in the case of extraordinary treatment of an extension of scope.
How does SA carry out extraordinary surveillance assessment?
- Extraordinary surveillance assessment may consist of:
- paying a visit to the accredited CAB, or
- examining the documentation provided for that purpose by the accredited CAB.
The method will be defined by taking into consideration the reason, type and extent of the activity being the object of assessment.
- When extraordinary surveillance assessment is carried out by paying a visit to the accredited CAB, the assessment will follow the same procedure as in other surveillances and reassessments.